As Browns WR Cedric Tillman walked into the gymnasium at Shoreview Elementary School, the students erupted in cheers and applause. He shared a message about the importance of coming to school each day, as well about his dedication to school to help him reach the NFL.
Students then submitted questions, which Tillman answered, about his warm-up routine, favorite color and more. As the school assembly wrapped up, Tillman presented Euclid City Schools with a check for $2,500 on behalf of the Stay in the Game! Attendance Network and Meijer.
The Cleveland Browns Foundation is a proud founder of the Stay in the Game! Attendance Network, which partners with school districts to create localized, data-informed attendance campaigns to support strong student attendance. Euclid has been a member of the Network since the 2020-21 school year.
"I'm here with the kids, bringing awareness of how important it is to go to school and try your best in school, and obviously, you know, be in the community and do different sports," Tillman said. "People who have a platform, I think it's important to give back, especially to the young kids, just trying to build a role model."
The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.

The first Meijer Gym Class Takeover on September 17, 2024 at Shoreview Elementary School.
The Browns are committed to advancing the game of youth and high school football throughout Northeast Ohio with year-round programming for players, coaches, officials, and parents. Through camps, clinics, and other in-school initiatives, the Browns' goal is to promote the healthy, social, emotional, intellectual and physical development of youth by enhancing opportunities for youth football participation and education opportunities.
Browns Flag In-Schools is an initiative that is live in 161 elementary schools across Northeast and Central Ohio. Browns Flag-In Schools is focused on developing a turn-key flag football implementation model for elementary physical education teachers and their classes, aiming to prioritize flag football as an in-school physical activity that also builds and maintains a foundation of healthy, lifelong physical activity for students.
The program works in tandem with the Stay in the Game! Attendance Network by providing school-based activities to further engage students and increase school attendance.
Gym Class Takeovers, presented by Meijer, are one of those experiences for schools activating Browns Flag In-Schools, in partnership with the Stay In The Game! Attendance Network. During the takeover, students engage in hands-on instruction, skill-building football stations and non-contact games. The clinic is designed to provide high-energy fun while promoting teamwork, community and the joy of staying active.
"Meijer invests in the communities we serve, and as a family-owned company, it's important to us to help local families and kids. Meijer communities are passionate about sports — and so are we," Melissa Conway, Meijer Director of Community Partnerships and Giving said. "School attendance is important to future success, so we want to help in any way we can to give these kids a great start. Events like Gym Class Takeovers are a great way to bring an unexpected element of surprise and fun to the school day, while helping kids learn about the many benefits of physical activity, which is so important for their overall development and well-being."
The Browns kicked off the first Gym Class Takeover of the semester at Shoreview Elementary School on Sept. 17. The Browns will host a total of four Gym Class Takeovers over the course of the fall semester.
After the all-school assembly, about 60 students who were selected for good attendance at the start of the school year, participated in six different skill drills set up around the gym. Tillman made his way around the gym to the different stations to watch and interact with the students as they participated in agility drills or drills catching and throwing the football.
"These kids have so much energy, and they enjoyed this so much," TJ Hunter, Meijer store director-in-training for Brunswick, said. "Most of these kids may not get the chance to do things like this that often, so giving them this opportunity and seeing the happiness on their faces, their excitement and their determination, they wanted to win. So, it's amazing thing to just see their competitive edge come out, and just them having overall."
Hunter wanted to volunteer and work for a company that gives back to the local community and to kids. He was one of seven volunteers from four different Meijer's locations in the Cleveland area who helped run the stations throughout the gym.
Following the activities, Meijer volunteers passed out draw string bags, sunglasses, stickers, activity books and fidget poppers to the students who participated in the Gym Class Takeover.
"It's building the great foundation as a child for their adulthood," Hunter said. "Like anything, we want our team members to come to work and work every day. So, teaching this early to these children that it's important to show up, and not only show up, but to give 100 percent effort, it's just going to prepare them for adulthood. Those are our future leaders. Those are your future Meijer store managers. I may have a future company president in there somewhere. So, it's important to instill that early, so that it translates into adulthood."