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Browns player press conferences - 8/12

RB Isaiah Crowell:

On the first preseason game:

"We did well. I feel like we came out there and competed well. There are still a lot of things that we can work on and get better, but I feel like we came out there, and for the most part, we did great."

On developing chemistry with new members on the OL:

"Yeah, it's the chemistry that we have to build, but I feel like we are out there chasing the same goal. That is just getting better and winning as a team. I feel like it won't be that hard. Everybody just stick to their rules and do what is right, and everybody is a professional so I feel like it won't be too hard."

On if he needs a certain number of carries and if it is possible to receive too many carries:

"I don't feel like there are too many carries in the game that I could have. I am just trying to do whatever I can to help my team get as many wins as possible."

On RB Matthew Dayes:

"He is a great player. I feel like he has some good cuts. He has been good with pass protection. He has been doing well all-around, and I feel like he is a great player."

On Falcons RB Devonta Freeman signing a large contract and if he thinks about how it applies to his situation:

"Yeah, you go and think about it. It is just obvious to think about, but I feel like it is great for him. I feel like he is a great player. He deserves it."

On Freeman's salary being the same as RBs from 10 years ago and if it illustrates the RB position being underpaid:

"I feel like he changed the mark. I feel like it is a great deal for him, and I feel like he is just a great deal for all the running backs that are out here right now that deserve to get paid. I am happy for him."

On if he is going to let agent Drew Rosenhaus handle all of the contract negotiations and not worry about it:

"I just feel like God controls everything so I am just trying to just be patient. I know my time is coming. I am just being patient, stay working and keep working hard and just trying to be the best I can be."

DL Nate Orchard:

On the Saints game and what coaches had to say about his performance:

"Me personally, just go out there and start rushing the passer, but most importantly, it is just looking back at all the little details and areas of improvement. It felt good getting those sacks, but little things like run stopping, gap responsibility, alignment, technique and stuff like that is what I really focused on taking away from that game."

On if he is having more fun this year:

"Oh for sure, I am loving it. I think it comes with experience, going into my third year now and knowing my way around. I am enjoying every second of it and I am not taking it for granted, pulling the young guys with me and helping them along the way."

On if rushing the QB is his main responsibility:

"No doubt. It is a lot harder said than done. It is a lot of film work and a lot of preparation goes into the offseason and training camp, but at the same time, it is mano y mano and you have to have the mindset to just go get the quarterback. That is what this game is all about. That is what they pay you to do, and that is what we need to do."

On playing for defensive coordinator Gregg Williams:

"Oh man, hands down the best human being I have ever been around, the most interesting man. Fun, guys love him. Everyone just gravitates towards him. He knows how to motivate us in many ways. We are just happy to have him around."

On if he has been yelled at a lot by Williams:

"Oh, of course. Who hasn't? (laughter) It is just like having another Pops around, but in a different way. It is good."

On the DL meeting room this year as opposed to his rookie year:

"From my rookie year, the room is obviously a lot younger, but at the same time, you have guys in there who are hungry and you have a vet like (DL) Des(mond) (Bryant) who is leading us along the way and showing us what it takes to succeed at this level and how to get to the quarterback."

WR Jordan Payton:

On feedback from his performance against New Orleans:

"Good. It is always a positive thing to get a win the first preseason game at home. It is just great to go out there and compete with your guys and just get a win."

On film from the Saints preseason game:

"Obviously, there are always things you can clean up across the board, starting with myself. Every day is a day to get better, and that is another opportunity to get better. I think that we competed really well and that we are moving in the right direction so we just have to get back after it today at practice and get to work."

On having a full NFL offseason of workouts under his belt, compared to entering the league as a rookie:

"I think that it definitely makes you think a bit and makes you think about a lot of things, but I think that it has helped me mature and grow as a player and just really lock in on what I really want, what I really want to do. It could [help]. For a minute there, you are trying to figure out everything and get your goals and what you want to accomplish straight. Going through the offseason and now training camp and preseason, I feel like my goals are straight. I want to play and I want to win."

On what went through his mind when he was suspended:

"It has never happened before so it was a weird time, but it is past that now. I have a great organization here that I am playing for that understood and just wanted me to get back to work and to really get after it. That is what I am out here trying to do."

On if there was ever a time when he was concerned the Browns would not bring him back after his suspension:

"In those situations, you don't know what is going to happen until it happens. I am thankful that I am still here and I am thankful that they stood behind me. It says a lot about them. For me, I have always been a loyal person in my life. I have always, if someone defended me or stood with me through anything, I will give my life to them. That is where I am right now. I just try to do everything I can for this organization, for (Head Coach) Hue (Jackson), for (Executive Vice President of Football Operations) Sashi (Brown), for all of the people upstairs and obviously for those guys in the locker room."

OL JC Tretter:

On how much he knew about RB Isaiah Crowell before coming to Cleveland and his impression of him:

"He runs hard, which is nice. A guy who is not scared to run through the smoke and just hit the hole hard. If you give him a little crevice of space, he is going to take advantage of it. Offensive linemen love blocking for a guy like that. I have enjoyed blocking for him so far."

On if the OL has to adjust to different RBs:

"I think you learn how different backs run, but for the most part, we know where the back is reading and we know how to block the play. His job is to feel out and have the patience to find the right hole. I think all of our backs have done a great job so far."

*On the OL's performance Thursday night: *

"Obviously, we came out with a win, which was the first goal, but those first couple of drives, we kind of shot ourselves in the foot. We had some bad penalties that put us behind in down and distance. There are not many third-and-10-pluses that are really high percentage downs to keep the chains moving. We have to get rid of those mistakes. Once we avoided those, you saw us move the ball down the field and play fast and confident. If we get rid of those mental mistakes and those technical errors, we can be rolling a lot quicker."

On QB Brock Osweiler's performance despite only having a few days of practice with the first team:

"I think Brock did great. I think he has great command of the huddle. He knows what he is doing and gets us in the right spot. He has confidence about himself in the huddle and on the sideline. I have really enjoyed working with Brock. Obviously, we had only last week to gel together, but I think we are just going to continue to grow and work together to kind of feel each other out."

On the difficulty of not having all five OL playing together:

"You miss the team reps, but the amount of time we spend in the meeting room and walkthroughs where we are able to get everyone out there because it is low contact, you have to take advantage of that time. A lot of it is just talking through things and making sure we have expectations for each other on where we are going to be on certain calls and things like that. You really have to take advantage of meeting time, walkthrough time and the times we are going to be together. The time together actually physically playing will come as training camp goes on."

*On if knowing he will run block more this year than last year in Green Bay requires an adjustment: *

"No, I think every lineman loves run blocking. That is not a problem whatsoever."

On if the Browns OL is equipped to handle protecting a mobile QB:

"Yes. For us, our job is to open up holes in the run game and protect as long as we possibly can and give the quarterback as much time as possible to go through his progression and find the open receiver. It doesn't matter who is back there, what his strengths or what his weaknesses are, those are our two objectives."

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