Browns First and Ten challenges individuals and groups alike to get out into the community to #give10 and volunteer their time to make Greater Cleveland and the surrounding area. This month the employees of Oswald Companies went to beautify Cleveland Metropark's Edgewater Park. The group pledged to #give10, help clean up the beach that is used daily by many Clevelanders as well as tourists. This group effort was coordinated by employees in the company to raise morale and get out and make a difference in the community.
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Name:RochelleHometown:Ridgeville, OhioHow they give back: Rochelle does so much to #give10 and help her community. Most of what she does is to support her three girls in girl scouts. Her girls' ages 9, 7 and 5 who are in the Juniors Brownies and Daisies troops. She assists with camping trips and the girls' community outings. The girls go out to the animal protective league where they play with the animals make them bedding by crafting tie blankets and help get them adopted. The troops also sing Christmas Carols during the holidays to bring cheer to those in need.
Rochelle is also a team mom for the Ridgeville swim team. She does so much because her girls mean so much to her and when she volunteers with them she knows the experience is teaching responsibility. As a part of a team, Rochelle likes to keep her girls active and set an example. At Oswald she also serves on the nonprofit board/committee which plans volunteer outings and provides services and resources such as the Oswald conference room to nonprofits all around Cleveland. For board meetings, award ceremonies and more free of charge. You are an inspiration Rochelle and it's great you get your kids involved too!

Name:Lisa PriolisiHometown:Cleveland, OhioHow they give back:Lisa volunteers at the western historical society with family history as one way to #give10. Other organizations that she's involved in include the ESGR and USO. Through ESGR she supports the military by conducting unit briefings and outreach initiatives where she works to help those who are returning and need employment. For the USO she works in the airport office accommodating incoming and traveling military. She also helps with golf outings and other fundraising events. Lastly she volunteers with NeoVets helping raise awareness. She promotes the value of veterans to employers and helps them see how they can be a resource. Lisa feels that by helping other people in the community she can in turn thank the service members for everything they do for us. Her dad was in the Air Force too and she believes it definitely takes a special person and group of people to serve the country and protect others. Lisa, thanks for volunteering your time and appreciating our military members! #give10
Name:Jon SadlierHometown:Cleveland, OhioHow they give back: Jon is on the board of the local Salvation Army. He does plenty to #give10 and to make sure they stay up and running. It is important for him to make sure that Northeast Ohio is being the best it can be. He also works with the United Way and many of their campaigns around the area. He is keen on setting an example for his son who he takes to events like the airshow, with military members and pilots to expose him to new things. Military Appreciation and civic duty go hand in hand as well as helping the homeless. Those are things he champions. Jon and a group of his colleagues also helped paint Providence House, A First and Ten community partner focused on helping Clevelanders and their families. Thanks for sharing Jon! That's so great to hear.

Name:Pam BrooksHometown:Cleveland, OhioHow they give back: Pam is very involved in her community and is a long term volunteer for multiple causes. She is very passionate about what she does to #give10. Her community means everything to her as do the children in it so Pam and a friend were introduced to opportunities at the Cleveland Sight Center. She conducts screenings for preschoolers at the day care centers to determine whether the children need glasses or not. Her friend got her involved and she loves it. She has been doing it ever since. Pam also does other things such as walks for Breast Cancer. She is adamant about supporting those who are survivors and raising awareness for those who have breast cancer. She was also a key volunteer with the Velasano, an event put on to support cancer research. Outstanding Pam! That's a really cool opportunity to #give10.