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Press Conference

Baker Mayfield postgame press conference vs. Panthers

On if he woke up feeling dangerous:
"I think you know the answer to that one (laughter)."

On the TD pass to WR Jarvis Landry:
"We were honestly expecting them to bring a different coverage. They kind of let him run free. The safety on the backside, you could see that I kind of hesitated a little bit to see if the safety would turn his head, but when I realized that he was chasing Jarvis down the field, I let it go because he is not going to make a play on the ball with his head turned and I trust Jarvis to make those plays. It is a 50-50 ball. That is why he is here is to make those plays. Unbelievable catch."

On the long pass to WR Breshad Perriman on the first play of the opening drive:
"It is awesome. That play puts that safety in a bind. We are trusting (TE) David (Njoku) to have speed across the field. If that safety did not attach to him like he did, then we are putting the post up to Breshad. It is just playing the numbers game. We are trusting Breshad on the outside to win, and he absolutely did."

On the aggressive offensive gameplan:
"That is how we need to play. I talked about it last week in the second half how he played and we are pushing the ball down the field. That is the kind of talent we have. We need to be able to do that – stretch the teams and then open up the screens and the run game. Yeah, we would love to be able to run the ball early, but when we are throwing the ball like that, that is what happens."

On offensive coordinator Freddie Kitchens' creativity in play calling, including the two runs by Landry:
"It has been great. Obviously, it has opened up some big plays. Originally, that play was a red zone call and we wanted to only run it inside of the 10, thinking that is probably where it is going to score from. Any farther out, you have a chance to get a normal gain. Obviously, he broke that long one and showed otherwise. Just getting the ball into our playmakers' hands and in the creative ways that he is coming up with, it is great."

On the team's growing confidence and it is what the team envisioned weeks ago, especially considering the team remains in the playoff hunt:
"Absolutely. Like we said earlier this week, we still are in that hunt, but if we do not take it one game at a time, none of that matters. We have to take care of business one week at a time, and we did that today against a veteran defense and a good team. I do not care what anybody says, there are a lot of guys on that team that can make plays and play well. We are at a point right now that we have been building for this moment and we need to continue to build. We do not need to be satisfied whatsoever. Right now, we have a short week and then we go to Denver."

On Perriman's impact:
"He stretches the field. He has elite speed to be able to get past the corners and stretch the safeties. It has been great for us to be able to have that great deep option to where people have to be on notice. They have to cover it deep. If they cover him up, then we take out shots underneath. If not, we are letting it go to him."

On how frequently he made such a perfect pass deep down the field in practice on the opening-possession play to Perriman:
"Not very many. That is what we get paid to do is to make the plays when it comes game time. That is one of those things that I told him to run, and I am just going to let it loose on whatever path he is on. I am going to trust him to make the play on it. It is a high post. He has to win and stay skinny, and he did. That is kind of a landmark thing. He got there."

On bouncing back from his three interception half last week:
"Anytime that you can come back after a loss and have a great win, a team win, it is unbelievable. Obviously, last week was not my best performance. We talked about that. It was all of the little things. Today, we did not do all of the little things right, but we are building on it. We did a lot better than we did last week, and that is the important part. We have to get better each week."

On how tight the windows in coverage were and how important timing was:
"Anytime we are playing against a veteran team like that the windows are very tight and their recognition, especially when they have (Panthers LB Luke) Kuechly in there calling out the plays, it is very important to be precise. We talked about it last week. Our mistake was not being detailed and not having all of those little things right so today that was the stress and we got it done."

On if he could have thrown the touchdown pass to WR Jarvis Landry any better:
"I have to look at it. I have not really had a chance to watch it, but just giving him a chance, that is my job for a guy like that to give him a chance to make a play on the ball."

On being 4-2-1 at home and how important it is to win at home:
"We are building on it, and we are becoming a team that is prideful of playing at home and protecting our territory. We would love to have more fan support. Today was cold, I get it, but having more people, especially at our last home game coming up, we would love to have more people in the stands cheering for us because we feed off of the energy. You can tell it is very obvious. I do not have to say it how our defense feeds off of the energy in the stadium, and being able to start fast and get that going and put teams in a bind and put pressure on them."

On helping WR Rashard Higgins stay positive after dropping a long pass:
"The thing is with receivers, they want to make all of those plays, and yeah, they are going to be very hard on themselves. What I told him was, 'Hey, I threw three picks in the last game in the first half. You have to bounce back and you have to forget it. It is not about what happened before. You have to make the next play.' That is what we have always talked about. I said over the weeks is the most important play is always the next one. You have to move on and you have to move forward – the good or bad – and that is the message to him. Everybody has those days. It is nothing we are going to dwell on, and he is going to learn from it and we are going to move forward."

On if the Browns have changed the perception of the team's overall reputation:
"Not yet. We still have a losing record, but we are moving forward. There has been a lot of change, but this is a process. For a culture to change and for a franchise to change, it is a process and it is a lot of work. That is why I say we have to come to work every day. You have to get better every day and each week. It is starting to come, but that is the thing, you can't be satisfied and say, 'Oh, we have changed it.' No, we are not there yet."

On if he was inspired at all by Oklahoma QB Kyler Murray winning the Heisman Trophy:
"A lot of happiness (laughter). Proud of him. Happy for him. It is an unbelievable honor and a lot of fun. I was just talking with my family yesterday that about this time last year we were there in New York City and how special that is to be able to enjoy that. He deserves it. It is good for Oklahoma, it is great for recruiting and good for (Oklahoma Head) Coach (Lincoln) Riley, and it just shows how special they are down there."

On the third quarter testing the team and his leadership:
"It is about hitting the reset button. We had a fumble in the first drive and a three-and-out on the next. We each have to be able to hit that reset button and be able to do our job. That is the most important part is forgetting what happened in the past good or bad, play the next play and do our job."

On DB Damarious Randall saying he is now a system QB, given the back-to-back Heisman Trophy winners at Oklahoma:
"Damarious Randall played safety in the Pac-12 (laughter). He also said he should be playing professional baseball right now, and I think we all know the answer to that (laughter)."

On Randall giving Landry a hard time on his way to his press conference:
"If Damarious thinks he is faster than Jarvis… (laughter) I think you guys realize that Damarious is somebody that loves to talk (laughter). He loves to talk. With him, it is not about controlling that. He is going to be who he is. He does not care what anybody else thinks. It is finding ways to use that. When it comes to the trash talk in practice and in our locker room, I think it can be used for the greater good and you just have to realize that."

On having a lot of fun with Randall now that they have built a relationship:
"Oh absolutely, because if you asked me in training camp, I would have wanted to beat up Damarious (laughter). It comes with the process of learning each other and growing so that is the good thing of where we are at right now."

On if he expected Landry's running plays to be successful:
"Not from our own territory. I figured that it would work down in the red zone the first time. Then the second time, you will see they thought we were going to run the same type of play but actually pitch the ball, give the same look and do the opposite. I guess calling it twice worked. Jarvis made a great play, made a bunch of people miss and extended the play."

On challenges establishing passing rhythm with the cold temperature and cold hands:
"It is really not that hard. Practice is much worse in the weather than the game is because you are on the sideline and you have the heated bench, you have the hand-warmers and you have everything. The atmosphere really just changes your energy. You do not really think about it. It is not that hard. We just have to be able to do our job. It does not matter what the surroundings are or what the circumstance is. We just have to be able to do our job."

On if this was his best passing game of the season:
"We started fast. That was the important part. That is what we wanted to do. Right where we left off last game. That is what we wanted to do."

On getting Landry and other playmakers involved in the offense:
"It is very important. Obviously, when we get the ball in his hands, that is what happens. You have to get him going early. You have to get that momentum. Then he is a guy who he feeds off that momentum, that energy and that confidence. That is what we are trying to do, and we need to continue to try to get the ball in our playmakers hands more and more. We have a lot of playmakers. That is the great thing about having a lot of playmakers. Somebody is going to be making plays, but that is also the tough thing. You have to be able to spread the ball out and have unselfish guys that believe in the team."

On OL JC Tretter fighting through injury:
"From a guy who barely practices all week to have the gameplan down and then fight through it on Sundays for everybody else, it is great to have. He is a very, very important piece out there to have be able to make calls and direct guys the right way and lead. He is not the most vocal guy, but for those linemen, he sets the example every day. To have a guy fight through injury is great, and he continues to do it. I think we have kind of taken it for granted that he does it week by week. He continues to fight and we are thankful."

On if Landry's throwback pass was supposed to go to him and Landry throwing a deep pass:
"No, normally I was just supposed to be a distraction, but I thought I would be a checkdown. I told him, 'Hey Vick, are you ready to throw this ball?' He let it go. (RB Nick) Chubb almost made a great play on it. He cut back inside. It is the kind of thing that Freddie calls and trusts us to make those plays and trusts us to where negative things are not to happen. That is great to see."

On playing on the same field as fellow No. 1 overall pick Panthers QB Cam Newton and the Browns earning a victory:
"Anytime you get to play against the great players in the NFL, guys I have watched for years, it is very fun. For me, it is something I look forward to those challenges. To be able to come out with a win, that is the most important part. It did not matter who it is, but playing against those guys is awesome."

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