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Press Conference

Browns player press conferences - Johnson, Robinson

OL Greg Robinson:

On his performance on Sunday and QB Baker Mayfield identifying it as one of the team's bright spots:

"After watching the film, I felt like I played well. It felt good to just get out there with the boys and taking it to the game field rather than just practicing. It was encouraging, and I am really happy that he spoke well about me."

On his personal grade after watching film:

"A grade? I would not say I could actually grade it, but if I can say anything, I would like to say that I played well. There are a few things I need to work on. Just keep getting better each day at practice and see where it leads from there."

On challenges not practicing with the first team early in the week and then playing the entire game:

"It pretty much is the same thing. Even though we are on scout team, we still try to make similar calls to what we would do in a game. (OL) Joel (Bitonio) helped me out a lot just with calls, and he knows that we did not really get the practice reps as much as we should have this week in practice. The chemistry, I feel like it was there – just only can get better from here."

On if he believes he will start this week:

"That is coaching decision. All I can do is show up each day and work my butt off, and that is what we are here for – to play as much as possible. As much as I can be out there for any of the guys, I am willing. If that is a decision that the coaches will make going forward, I am really proud of it."

On his season this far:

"Really, the most important thing for me is just staying in it each day – do not get too high and do not get too low. First game actually starting with the guys, I feel like there were a lot of positives that came from it and a few things that I can work on. Most important is just each day coming here and showing up."

RB Duke Johnson Jr.:

On if he could continue to get more touches throughout the season, given his performance yesterday:

"I think it is possible. Just going out there and showing what I am capable of doing. Basically, just showing the reason why I am here. It was a great showing for myself but not so much for the team, and we are about team here. Should have gotten the win. That is what was most important."

On where the Browns made progress yesterday:

"We always fought until the end, regardless of what game it was. Coming in, we knew that Kansas City was a high-powered offense. As an offense and team, we thought that on every drive we have to go out there and get points or hold the ball for as long as we can just to keep our defense fresh and give them the best chance to make plays for us."

On if the Browns accomplished its overall goals on offense:

"For the most part. Still, there were a handful of plays that we should have capitalized on that we did not."

On attempting multiple fourth down and 2-point conversions:

"It is fun for us. It keeps us on the field. It gives more people opportunities to make plays, and it helps the team win."

On his comments earlier in the season about wanting the offense to be able to do more early in the game, as well as him wanting to help the team, and if yesterday was an example of those opportunities:

"I think that I was more referring to getting opportunities early and just kind of I guess give the other team someone to look at and spy on. It just opens for everyone else. I think that (RB) Nick Chubb went out and ran the ball very well. It opened up play action. It opened up a lot for this team. That is just something that I try to go out and do."

On if the Browns emphasized 2-point conversion plays more in practice last week:

"We always work on 2-point plays. Whether we are going for them this week or not, they are always something good just to have."

On if the Browns were not successful on the 2-point attempts due to execution:


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