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Press Conference

Browns player press conferences - Olivier Vernon, Sheldon Richardson, Larry Ogunjobi

DT Larry Ogunjobi:

On the scuffle at the end of practice today:

"It is camp. Emotions flare. Sometimes as competitors, we get to this level where we want to compete, compete, compete. You are always at that line. You know you do not want to go over the edge, though. Sometimes it happens. As teammates, you just have to pick your brother up and tell them, 'Come on, and let's go.'"  

On if the sprints will deter future scuffles:

"Yes and no because like I said, it is still camp and it is still football. It is an emotional game. All of us have egos in some way shape or form. Sometimes it is going to happen. You just have to take it because it is camp, but it is cool." 

On the effect when one player does something that results in consequences for the entire team:

"Same thing like in high school and college. It is annoying and you do not want to do it, but at the end of the day, if it happens to you, it is the same result. As brothers, sometimes your brother makes a mistake. Nobody makes a mistake on purpose, but sometimes when you get a penalty, the whole team pays for it. That is just an example of that. Being able to just bounce back from it and have to finish practice and still focus and still have a job to do, I feel like it is good for the team so it is cool."

On if the vibe at practice is different with pads:

"Of course. It is full contact. Now, you are really competing. Now, you are not running around in your tennis shoes, but you are really actually hitting and really trying to separate the man from the boys."

DT Sheldon Richardson:

On the team running laps as a consequence of younger players' mistakes, referring to the scuffle today:

"It is training camp man. Tempers get hot a little bit. Guys are just trying to compete and make the team and have a spot. It happens. I have been in a few of them, even in real games. It happens."

On the Browns coaching staff making players and the team run following mistakes:

"We win as a team and we lose as a team so everything we do is as a team. We just have to let those guys know they have to be accountable and try to stay away from the fist fights and all of that. Like I said, it is training camp and it happens."

On what makes training camp with the Browns unique compared to other organizations:

"The most I can say is guys are taking care of themselves and each other, for the most part other than the fight. Guys are still taking care of each other even when the fists are flying. Guys were not hitting in the head or anything like that. Just a lot of jabbering back and forth."

On settling in with the team so quickly and appearing to have a lot of fun with the Browns:

"The team. The young guys are eager to learn. The old guys are the same thing. Guys are trying to be great, get in and move forward to try build this franchise back to where it used to be."

DE Olivier Vernon:

On getting to know his teammates on the Browns DL:

"It is good. We are just trying to build cohesiveness. That and the bonding, learning off of each other. That is how it typically goes in the defensive line room. Just build chemistry."

On if it is important for the DL to have chemistry:

"Yeah because the four of us trying to get to the quarterback or trying to get to whoever who is running the ball, we have to know where he and everyone is at. If we play off each other, everybody else is going to make plays."

On the adventurousness of defensive coordinator Steve Wilks' defense for the DL with stunting and other games:

"He is going to put guys in position to make plays. As long as we are just executing and doing what we got to do, the defense can be real fun."

On moving around more on the DL, given both he and DE Myles Garrett have primarily played RE:

"It is a little different. I know Myles can play both sides. I just have to try to work on playing both sides. It is what it is. Just have to get better each and every day. This is another challenge, that is all."

The annual Orange & Brown Scrimmage will take place on August 3rd at FirstEnergy Stadium.Click for information and tickets.

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