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Press Conference

Jarvis Landry: 'Where we are in the turnover margin speaks for itself'

Cleveland's Pro Bowl WRs and more meet with reporters Thursday

WR Jarvis Landry:

On how his arm is feeling, given he said he was a little sore after throwing the TD pass to WR Odell Beckham Jr.: 

"It is actually feeling better today. I am not lying to you guys, I literally had like two of the worst days of my life with my lat. It was sore as hell." 

On putting a lot of energy into the TD pass to Beckham: 

"Yeah, he would have been mad at me if I did not throw that ball so I had to make sure I got it up and down as quickly as possible." 

On why the 3-1 start feels so 'legitimate': 

"We have done a lot of great things. Where we are in the turnover margin speaks for itself. Where we are in the run games speaks for itself. Points per game speaks for itself. All of these things are not by mistake. We go out here and we work hard each and every day, and we are understanding the pieces that we are trying to put together to make the run and win every week. It is tough, but we are doing the necessary things that we can do out here on the practice field." 

On how special it was to play in his 100th consecutive career game and throw Beckham's 50th career TD reception: 

"Yeah, the 100th game was an emotional thing for me, and then to cap it off throwing a touchdown rather than scoring a touchdown was almost perfect. We practiced this play over and over and over, and I just knew in my head no matter what, I am just throwing him the ball. Trusting and knowing that he is going to get open and make the catch and make the play. He talked about it after the game – I am sure a lot of you were on the call – when he talked about how we used to throw the football outside of WCA (West Campus Apartments) at LSU. Those are like the little moments that you think back even like right now and you think back to. It is very special and different just going back from all the times that our friendship and brotherhood has been together with each other and having history made on that play together is something that is crazy. You can't even put it into words. It is crazy." 

On Beckham getting involved in the game early and getting stronger as the game progressed: 

"Yeah, that is part of the plan. It is about flow. I think what you are speaking about is flow. When you have a guy that wants to be involved, a guy that comes into work and works as hard as anybody and does his job day in and day out and having opportunities on a Sunday to make plays – obviously he does make plays – getting him going early as often as you can is going to be an advantage for us." 

On if he is concerned about the recent COVID-19 cases around the league: 

"Yeah. First of all, everybody's health is at risk and that is not something to play with. That is something that we all take very seriously. There are a lot of people involved, and we are praying for everybody. Outside of this building, it is kind of hard to know if everybody is doing the necessary things, but I know inside of this building, we are doing the necessary things to make sure we can play football because ultimately that is what we want to do. We are watching from afar. We are learning about other people's mistakes or whatever it is that is going on in other places and trying not to let that happen here because we want to play football and we want to continue to go out there and come to work each and every day." 

On Beckham's 50-yard TD run at Dallas: 

"Greatness. Another play that you can't even put into words at a moment like that at a time like that. It is always tough when you have a lead like we had and then a team comes back and you are still trying to protect the lead and call safe plays, and you find a way to get the ball in Odell's hand, which should have been a 12-yard loss turns into a 50-yard touchdown in the opposite way in a blink of an eye. Listen, I have not seen plays like that in the NFL in a long time. Only special guys make those type of plays. He is very special. That is something that we are going to continue to need out of him for the rest of the season." 

On the Colts defense: 

"They are a really good football team. They are a great organization. Obviously, a lot of history inside their organization. They do a lot of things well. They do not beat themselves. They have been better these past three weeks in the turnover margin, which I think that has helped them have a little bit of success. We are going to have our hands full. We are going to our have our hands full in every phase, and we just have to try to find a way to score one more point than they do." 

On if Beckham now owes him a TD pass and if Beckham could throw as good of a pass as he did: 

"(Laughter) Listen, we are just making plays. I think when the opportunity comes, if it comes, he is going make the smart decision. On that play, I had a couple of different options, but I really knew the one that I wanted to go to. When his turn is up, he will have the opportunity to make the same type of decision and he better make the right decision – that is all I am saying (laughter)." 

On his relationship with Head Coach Kevin Stefanski and Stefanski valuing his and Beckham's input, contributions and feelings: 

"Yeah, I believe, especially in this game and with the amount of experience Coach Kevin has from his long history of coaching and obviously our seven years of apiece, me and Odell, I think the biggest thing has been the communication and always will be communication. I think the more that we can have these open and honest conversations just about our emotions or our feelings or whatever it is or everything that goes into winning the game because ultimately at the end of the day, it is about winning the game. I think Coach Stefanski knows that about myself and about Odell. It is never a selfish communication when we are having our talks or whatever it is. It is just understanding each other, understanding the things that we are trying to do and how can we do those things. That is something that Coach Stefanski has been very open about and that we all have been working on." 

On if there is a sense that the Browns offense will continue to evolve and improve, despite RB Nick Chubb's injury: 

"Yeah, no question. There is definitely more to come. A guy like Nick who does not talk much, just shows up does his job, does it as a high level and one of the best running backs in the NFL right now, to lose him it is going to be tough to replace that, but I think like you said, we do have a roster that will allow us to do a couple other different things and still be in successful plays. I am excited to see how this is going to work out and will be praying for Nick to hurry up and get back as fast as he can safely and enjoy this ride with us." 

On if there was a moment at Dallas when he thought 'this is what the offense can look like': 

"Absolutely. I think it was maybe the drive right before halftime. I remember (TE) Austin Hooper catching a pass, and I caught a pass on third down right before we clocked it. Just the operation of how that whole sequence happened and then (K) Cody Parkey comes on and makes the field go, and I am on the sideline and I immediately look you know to (pass game coordinator/wide receivers) Coach (Chad) O'Shea and to (QB) Baker (Mayfield) and I say, 'We just took a step in the right direction.' I can remember being here for the last two years, and we would do all of these things and then we would miss the kick or something would happen right before we get into field goal range or a penalty would happen or something happened that kind of stops us. We had the sequence of plays and then we kick the field goal, and I felt the step being taken as a football team – I am getting chills right now – to be able to be where we want to be because that is what we have to do. We have be able to score those points right before half and then come out at half and score. That is a 10-point swing right there. That is a beautiful thing in this game." 

On what has he learned about Stefanski's as a play caller:

"He has some balls. He is a guy that nobody would think that a reverse is coming at the time that it came. Nobody would think that the first series of the game we would run a toss-reverse-pass. We still had a lot of sequences of football where we just ran great plays, mixing the run in with the pass very well and a screen here and there. That is something that he was in a flow. You can tell that the rhythm was there, and guys were going out there executing and playing as hard as they could."

On what allows Stefanski to be an effective play caller and head coach:

"I would say his preparation. I talk to him multiple times, either after the game or Monday or Tuesday, just texting and talking. He is in the building late night, and hearing Coach O'Shea as we are talking through first, second and third down in the meeting rooms talk about how all coaches are doing is looking at film, drawing up plays and thinking of guys to put in these positions and go out and make plays. To me, it all comes down to his preparation, and I think he is definitely a confident guy once he gets to calling plays and in a rhythm, and that is what makes us good."

On when was the last time he saw Beckham this content, healthy and focused:

"Probably college. Probably college. Last year, he was dealing with a major that obviously he had to have surgery and coming into a new system, a new team and all of these things, I think that that weighs on you and weighs on anybody. He has handled it well. This year, I think his body has kind of calmed his mind down from all the things that he had going on that he can go out here and perform at a high level each and every time he takes the field."

On if Beckham's performance last week was reintroducing himself to the NFL as an elite player:

"You guys know as well as I do, it should have never been a conversation that he was not an elite player anymore. I do not think I can answer that question. He has always been an elite player."

WR Odell Beckham Jr.:

On being used in various ways in the Browns offense by catching passes, running the ball and blocking when contributing to a win on Sunday: 

"Obviously, that is something that I would love to continue to do. That is something that for me was always in the gameplan. It is just the way that I played football. Freshman year in college, run blocking, catching passes, and punt and kick return. I just love football. Anyway that I can help this team win, that is what I am here to do." 

On if Sunday's game felt like a 'please allow me to reintroduce myself' moment: 

"No, for me, I have just been waiting. I have just been waiting. I know what I am capable of doing any given time I am on the field, but I think I did a jump on one of the coaches using that exact line just in case for the ones that are out there that love to hate so. Again, that is something I never really worry about. I know what I can do. I know what I am capable of. Like I said, just trying to find ways to keep this train rolling." 

On if he would agree with WR Jarvis Landry's comment the last time he was this content and healthy and focused was in college: 

"I probably agree with that. Coming from college into the league, it is just a completely different life. I feel like college was an intro, and this is like right before the social media era and all that stuff. It is just a different day and age now, and I think that this is probably one of the best spots I have been in." 

On if he feels significantly different from last year both health-wise and speed-wise: 

"Way different. I had to really strain heavy last year. Even on that last touchdown, I had not really ran much in the fourth quarter. We were up by so many, I was really just chilling. It felt like because of the way my hamstrings was feeling tight and all this, I did not want to run any faster than I needed to. I am definitely stronger, faster this year than I was last year. I am just all around healthier." 

On the relationship he has developed with Head Coach Kevin Stefanski and Stefanski understanding him and his goals: 

"I think it has just been since Day 1, coming in and even in the virtual offseason or whatever it was, developing that relationship. Speaking last week, speaking each and every day or every other day or whenever we have those conversations just to be able to understand what someone else wants, alongside with me and what he wants for players or what he wants as a head coach. Just being able to understand the people that you are here giving your day to, it goes a long way. There is a great line of communication there. I feel like it is always an open door. We can say things and there are never any hard feelings because we know where each other's heart is at, and we just want to work and we want to be great. I would definitely that is a great relationship and just look forward to keeping that going." 

On if he feels heard and appreciated by Stefanski: 

"I am not saying I have not felt heard or appreciated in my past. I am just talking about this situation specifically. Yeah, I feel like we can see eye to eye, and especially when it comes to football, we have the same common goal." 

On how close he was to being tackled on the reverse: 

"Yeah, I just remember I caught the reverse, and (Cowboys DE) Aldon (Smith) was just right there. Just knowing if I get around him that I would have space, and I was running up the field and I see people just flying to the sideline because it seemed like I kind of faked like I was going to go out of bounds or slide or do whatever and they just flooded to the sideline, and I made that one cut and I just knew that it was over. It was definitely a play that could have went backwards. It might not have been a bad thing and we would have kept the clock rolling, but I was just happy I was able to get around." 

On the feeling when he gets into open space and if that is one of his favorite parts of football: 

"Yeah, that to me is part of the reason why I fell in love with the game. I remember where I grew up, we called it 'throw 'em up bust 'em up.' It was like every man for himself. You are trying to score. It would be like 20 of us, and if you get tackled, you have to throw the ball up. It just was a game that I learned how to feel good with the ball in my hand and a bunch of people chasing you. On that play I had, it was like a kick return. I had a bunch of lead blockers. Just happy we were able to put the game way right there." 

On if he feels like he may have to take on a bigger role with RB Nick Chubb out due to injury: 

"Whatever it is, I have to do. I doubt I am getting in that backfield and running between the center and the guard, though, I can tell you that. I am about down for everything else but that. I will save that for Chubb, (RB) Kareem (Hunt) and all those other guys. I do not think I am built for that." 

On Landry joking about being sore after throwing the TD pass and if he has a TD throw to Landry in him and if also would be sore after it: 

"Only time will tell, but it is just funny because he comes in the meeting room and I think he actually is a little sore and his lat was a little tight. Seeing the comments and when that word gets spread around… First of all, he threw a dime, but he threw it hard. Make sure that we have to get that worked out and get that shoulder and that lat massaged." 

On if he hopes to return the favor to Landry with a TD pass: 

"Of course, that is always the dream, but it is really whatever is in the play calls and whatever we have in the gameplan. I joked with him that day I said, 'I still have one more touchdown pass than you.' We will see later down the line what happens."

On his reaction to Patriots QB Cam Newton testing positive for COVID-19 and if he has reached out to him, given their relationship: 

"Yeah, I definitely tried to reach out to him, and I am putting him on blast – he did not answer the phone. I can understand in this time and situation. I am sure everybody else is hitting him so I kind of tried to wait until it chilled out. You just want to check on him. That is my guy. We trained real hard this offseason. We were in L.A. Just getting the opportunity to kick it with him for the first time really. I feel like I have always been a fan of him and watched him and his game so just getting to see him, see how he works and see how he is as a person and not what he has been made to be or anything like that, it was pretty cool. That definitely hit close to home. Praying for him. Praying for him and his family. I know he has a few kids. Just wish him a speedy recovery and hoping that he stays safe and returns to football as soon as possible." 

On why the 3-1 start feels so 'legitimate': 

"I think because it is. You look at the games that we won, and it was not like it was a fluke. You look at the game we lost and you think about the situation and, like I said, toss it up to a first game mulligan. Also, that is an incredible team that we got beat by and we were not as prepared, and I think that was an awakening for us. Ever since then, the mistakes that we made during that game, we have been able to correct them and eliminate those in the games following that and just learned from it and keep continuing to grow. Again, it is still always a day at a time approach. The 3-1 record, I still look at it as we are 0-0 and the goal is to be 1-0 each and every day. If by the end of the week, you can be 1-0, then it just resets and starts over. It is always going to keep continuing to be the day-to-day process and just continuing to win the day. I think that is the goal for us right now, Keep the blinders on and keep running our race." 

On if he was hoping to win AFC Offensive Player of the Week and what else he may need to do in order to receive the accolade: 

"To me, it does not really matter. I do not think when you look back in 20 years, you will be like, 'Oh, yeah, Week 4 of 2020, you won Offensive Player of the Week.' Not to say these accomplishments mean nothing, but I am here for the long-term goal and the long-term picture. I want to win championships. I want to be able to look back on my career and leave the legacy that I wanted to leave. Maybe score two more times, and I might have won it. Other than that, I do not really know."

LB B.J. Goodson:

On Colts QB Philip Rivers' career success and what he has seen from Rivers this season: 

"Philip is a smart guy, and it shows in his tape. His ability to get the ball out of his hands and not to get hit is remarkable. We have to come up with things to get him off the field and take advantage." 

On the Colts OL: 

"They are definitely a good line. Looking forward to going against those guys. Definitely going to be a challenge and a challenge that we are looking forward to." 

On the Colts run offense: 

"They do not get enough credit to be honest. They have a solid run game. They have quite a few backs that they rotate in. They definitely do not get the credit that they do just from me watching tape and watching the tape on them." 

On DE Myles Garrett's impressive start to the season: 

"He has been big time for us making great plays in big moments. There is not much more that you can ask from a guy." 

On DT Sheldon Richardson: 

"That is my guy. That is my guy. Running hard to the ball, getting out of his stance and fighting his tail off. That is my guy. If there is anybody I want to go to war with, Sheldon is my guy. I definitely appreciate my guys up front, all of them." 

On if he knew Richardson before coming to Cleveland: 

"No, sir." 

On if he was impressed by how Richardson carries himself and if he bonded with Richardson: 

"Yeah, I would say that with all of the guys." 

On if Richardson is a fun person to play with: 

"Yeah, he is. He has his own personality and is a great guy to be around." 

On what has been working well to allow the Browns defense to get so many takeaways, including communication and instincts: 

"A little bit of all of it. Things complement each other, whether it is the coverage and the rush or vice versa. Just things complement each other." 

On LB Mack Wilson since returning from injury and if Wilson is still shaking off some rust after missing time: 

"You would have to talk with him about how he feels, but he has been preparing and moving around great. He looks great at practice and on game tape. It is great to be out there with him on the field." 

On how the Browns are handling the 3-1 start: 

"Great. Everybody has their head down and is working. Nobody is content with where we are. We understand the history here, but as long as there is time, there is opportunity. We are looking forward to being prepared for the opportunity that is ahead."

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